Our services at FÍN

  • Álft: Brynja Hrafnkelsdóttir
    Mynd: Brynja Hrafnkelsdóttir

The association is a trade union for members who hold a university degree in natural sciences and architecture. 

We provide our members with the best possible services including, legal advice, advocacy in the field of wages and rights, interpretation of employment agreements and advice in disputes.

Our services

The level of service of the association depends on whether members are active or inactive. Active members have paid membership fees to the association for the last 6 months. Inactive members have not paid membership fees for the last 6 months and not resigned from the association.

We offer our active members:

  • Advice on wages and rights.
  • Advice on employment contracts.
  • Information on wages and wage developments.
  • Lectures at the workplace/institutions where members are employed.
  • Legal advice.
  • Assistance in resolving disputes in the workplace.
  • Advice and grants for unemployed members.
  • The association is a spokesperson/representative of members in individual matters if requested.
  • The association makes collective agreements members in the public sector and in the private labor market.
  • Access to BHM funds (sickness fund, vocational fund and vacation fund)
  • Access to OBHM holiday homes.
  • Grants from the FÍN science fund (members employed at municipalities).

We offer our inactive members:

  • Advice on employment contracts.

More information

Rules of procedure for payment of legal cost at FÍN

Please seek our assistance before you act, by calling 595-5175 or at fin@bhm.is. The rules regarding legal advice are as follows:

  1. A member is not authorized to hire a lawyer or others on befhalf of the association on the premise that the association will pay for that service.
  2. If a member believes that his/her collective bargaining rights have been violated, the member must first of all seek advice from the association.
  3. If the association deems that legal assistance is needed, the association will hire the assistance and bring him/her into the case. The association only pays legal costs in whole or in part for violations of the members contractual rights.
  4. If a member considers that this is an exceptional case and that these rules do not appy, he/she can send a letter to the board of the association for further considerations.